Legal Question in Family Law in Pennsylvania

With shared legal custody and partial physical custody, does my son's mother need my permission to take my son out of state for her vacation? I thought with shared legal custody, that leaving state lines would be an issue that needs to be agreed upon. We live in PA. Thanks.

Asked on 4/28/10, 2:52 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Davidson Law Office of John A. Davidson

Not necessarily. Legal Custody is the right to be consulted on thing like will the child get braces or questions of religious upbringing.

Rights to periods of partial custody allow the non custodial parent to take the child for a fixed period of time. She could take the child to her home or Chuckie Cheese or both.

Generally the courts would allow her to take the child on vacation. To get the courts to deny her that right you would have to show how it's not in the best interests of the child to not go.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me. The initial consultation is free.


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Answered on 5/04/10, 6:49 am

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