Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Pennsylvania
My husband's ex-wife refuses to pay help pay on their consolodated student loan. They consolodated the loans years ago and she has refused to pay any on it. she is working now and the student loan company will not do anything as long as he pays, he doesn't want to stop paying in ear of it falling on him. They also refuse to unconsoldate the loans because he only owed 6000 and hers ws 30000 and they fear it won't get paid. Is their any way that he can get the loan unconsolidted or they can force her to pay her share.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Question why wasn't this handled as part of their divorce? If it was that part of the marriage settlement agreement then that part of the agreement would have to be enforced. This is done by filing a complaint in court.
If it wasn't part of the divorce you still would have to sue but it will be harder to prevail.