Legal Question in Employment Law in Pennsylvania
If they do a criminal background check can they see my juvenile record?
When I was 16, me and my boyfriend went to a local dam after hours. When we were about to leave a cop pulled up. He just gave us a citation with a fine for criminal trespassing. I think the section code was 3503. I'm wondering if i apply to the United States postal service, will they be able to see it on my record even know i was a minor then?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: If they do a criminal background check can they see my juvenile record?
It depends. How many years ago was that? Was the record sealed or expunged?
In my experience, and I have considerable experience in this area, minor violations will not have an impact on a job search or clearance _as long as it is disclosed_. In other words, if the application or security clearance requests your history of interaction with the law then you should be completely forthcoming. As with many of the items you see in the news, the cover-up is often more damning than the original act.
Hope this helped. If I can be of further assistance to you on this or any other legal matter please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Roger Traversa