Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Pennsylvania
Garage rentor past 30 day notice, I need him out....
I recently moved to Pennsylvania, bought a house that used to be a duplex rental. When the house was purchased We agreed to give the rentor of the four car garage his 30 day notice with an additional 30 day grace period due to his previous 24 year rental history.
The real estate agent sent the notice certified mail and gave me a copy as well as attaching one to the garrage door. I was also instructed to call the rentor 2 weeks later to tell him to send his final grace period rent to Me. The phone call got no response(answering machine). So just befor the end of the first 30 days, I sent a second final notice to vacate in the next 30 days. Now I get a call six weeks into the notices with a sob story and a promice to send the last months rent imedeatly and to attempt to clear out his stuff.
He says hes injured, says He'll try, but I know He will not vacate in time. Meanwile I'm paying to store my own belongings elswear and that contract is almost up, I cant aford to renew. How do I get his stuff out? Can I throw it away? do I need to get the sherif involved? can I pay to have it emptied and send him a bill?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Garage rentor past 30 day notice, I need him out....
It would be hard to give you advice without reading the sales agreement and the notices that you sent. However if you own the property and the lease he used had a clause that states upon the sale of the property he must vacate in 30 days than he must vacate. I could not advise you to throw things away without reviewing your documents. If you are interested contact my firm and let me review the information and I will advise you. The fee would be very reasonable, and I could write him a letter. The invovlement of the sherriff is costly and would require to file a writ as well as other documentation. My office is in pittsburgh but we can handle this via e-mail or fax.
Brandon Barnett, Esq.