Legal Question in Traffic Law in Pennsylvania

Unsure if i should fight ticket...

I was recently pulled over and was cited for driving w/o insurance and also w/o a license. However, I was doing nothing illegal I went to a parking lot of a closed store and sat there with a couple of my friends there were 3cars all together. We were there because we were lost. We all pulled out and the officer followed us I was obeying every traffic law and for some unknown reason he pulled only me over. As I stated before I was only fined for not having insurance and or a license and no traffic violations which he would have not known had he not pulled me over. There was no indication of why he pulled me over at all, not even probable cause, so should I fight it?

Asked on 9/02/05, 10:03 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mark Johns Mark Johns, Esquire

Re: Unsure if i should fight ticket...

If it is your first driving w/o a license there is no impact on your ability to secure a driver's license. A second or subsequent offense carries license suspension time. The Insurance ticket carries a mandatory 90 day uspension, so if you were to try and apply for one you would have to wait. Most officers will plea the insurance ticket down to failure to carry proof of insurance which is also a substabitally less expensive fine. The probable cause to stop you may have been the fact you were hanging around a closed mall.

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Answered on 9/03/05, 8:52 am

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