Legal Question in Traffic Law in Pennsylvania

Vehicle damaged by kid running into street

I was driving in the left lane a kid ran out between 2 vehicles in right lane stopped for traffic and right into the rear door of my car. He hit me so hard he knocked himself out and did $1500 damage to the car. I went to get copy of accident report and the police wrote that i was driving pedestrian entered street and vehicle struck pedestrian and damage was to the passenger FRONT door!!!! I questioned the officer about this and she said the location of damage on the report is really important. I argued that the way it is written it looks like im at fault!!! 3 witness statementst all agreed with me 2 of which were taken from the drivers he ran in front and in back of in right lane. There is a full body size dent and broken handle on rear door. I told police report needs to be changed stating HE ran into the rear door of my car. There is absolutely no possible way they can say I hit him unless my car suddenly drove sideways!!!!! Officer said if it goes to court tell them what happened and that report isnt correct!!! This kid was 100% at fault and completely out of my line of vision when he hit me, but because of how they wrote report i could possibly be sued and blamed for this. Officer refuses to change report. What do I do??????

Asked on 4/05/08, 6:02 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Solomon Weinstein Solomon Weinstein, Esquire

Re: Vehicle damaged by kid running into street

Ask to speak to his captain and explaint the situation

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Answered on 4/11/08, 7:02 pm

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