Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Pennsylvania

father's house

Dad passed with no will. We siblings agree to let youngest brother and children live there. There is a small loan still due on house, which brother agrees to pay, along with a credit card debt. We would sign our rights over, and let him live there. In the event of his death, or if he can't afford it and must sell, siblings do not want his ex-girlfriend (mother of his minor children) to inherit house. Can something be written that in that event, the house goes to remaining siblings? This woman was physically abusive to our father, and has drug and alcohol issues. It would make us sick if she ever got his house. I don't feel comfortable signing a release without being assured that she'll never live where we were raised, or sell it and get our rightful money. Thanks in advance for any advice.

Asked on 5/22/08, 7:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Davidson Law Office of John A. Davidson

Re: father's house

What you're looking for is a trust. It could be set up to accomplish what you want done. That's is a sibling gets to use the house but doesn't risk his ex taking it.

I understand why you have to pay the house loan but why are any of you responsible for the credit card debt?

If you have any questions feel free to contact me. The initial consultation is free.


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Answered on 5/22/08, 8:38 pm

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