Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Pennsylvania
Wills, Real Estate and Partner
I am divorce and living in PA with my significant other (he is also divorced). I have a Will in place and he is the beneficiary and primary beneficiary of my pension, 401K, etc. I have a house with an outstanding mortgage that he helps me pay but nothing is in his name regarding Real Estate. He is concerned that since we are not married he will be without a home if something should happen to me.
Can you instruct as to how I can legally avoid my/his dilemma and fears, any information would be helpful.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Wills, Real Estate and Partner
Does the will address your real property at all?
There are several ways to address your issues, however more facts would be helpful. Is anyone likely to contest the will?
Will the value of the property be attached by any creditor?
What should happen if your significant other dies first?
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