Legal Question in Tax Law in Rhode Island
personal income tax
what specific law upholds the government's right to tax our personal incomes? i thought that according to the constitution, all direct taxes had to be specifically apportioned. wouldnt this make any such law completely illegal? i've also heard people say that there actually is no law which says we need to pay taxes on our personal incomes or file our tax return at the end of the year. what is the real truth of the matter? thanks....
Asked on 11/13/07, 1:20 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Ronald Cappuccio
Ronald J. Cappuccio, J.D., LL.M.(Tax)
Re: personal income tax
You are geting suckered into a tax protestor scam! The truth is the government attacks non-filers and all kinds of tax protesting. Do not do it!
I hope this helps!
Ron Cappuccio
Answered on 11/13/07, 2:11 pm