Legal Question in Criminal Law in South Carolina


If a person is an accessory after the fact in a different state in which the crime was committed is he or she charge in the state the crime was committed, or in the state in which he or she assist the fugitive

Asked on 2/19/07, 8:34 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Johnston Law Offices of Robert J. Johnston

Re: Law

According to South Carolina Code, it would be in the State where the crime was committed. However, this could conflict with another State's law, so I can't say for sure without knowing more. Below is the applicable code section for South Carolina.

� 17-21-60. Venue for trial of accessories after the fact.

Whoever becomes an accessory to a felony after the fact may be

indicted, convicted and punished, whether the principal felon has or has

not been previously convicted or is or is not amenable to justice, by any

court having jurisdiction to try the principal felon and either in the

county in which such person became an accessory or in the county in which

the principal felony was committed.

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Answered on 2/19/07, 9:52 am

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