Legal Question in Criminal Law in South Carolina
Public Disorderly Conduct
Spartanburg, SC
Public Disorderly Conduct charge.. Friday night at a bar my friend was assaulted in the parking lot. He came over to my car, got in and as we were driving off the person kicked the side of my car. We called the police and had them meet us at my house. I was drinking a beer and my friend was trying to clean up a bloody lip when the 2 officers came inside and we explained what was going on. The officer said since we didn't know the name of the person and since we both had been drinking we could not press any sort of charges. I asked about what to do if there was any damage to my car, he asked if I would step outside and allow him to look over the car. I agreed, we went outside and looked around the car there seemed there was no damage. I asked again about my friends lip and he said there was nothing we could do. I said this is bulls**t as I was walking inside the house. He then followed me inside and arrested me for PDC. Suggestions? I was released the next morning. Court in 3 weeks.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Public Disorderly Conduct
Four things can happen. One, you are entitled to a trial. Two, you can plead guilty. Three, you can persue going into a program as an alternative to prosecution such as PreTrial Intervention. Four, once in a great while, but not often, they will dismiss charges like these. Most people prefer one of the programs. That way you don't run the risk of being found guilty and its a way of getting it off your record. You really should talk with a lawyer.