Legal Question in Criminal Law in South Carolina
I'm 17, I'm a senior in my high school. On Wednesday I was involved in a fight where I approached this girl (I'm a girl) and punched her in the face, threw her on the ground and punched her in the face and left. She didn't hit me. I was arrested and charged with simple assault and battery. She told the officer to search my car because I had drugs. He found two seeds and legally he said that he can't do anything but the school is. I'm suspended a min. of 5 days for the fight. LAST NIGHT the girl comes to my house and hits me in the street in front of my house. I hit her and slammed her face into the road. The thing is, I'm 17 and she's 15. So she's a minor. I have court on Wednesday and I don't know what I should do.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Violence
Well, first of all, it sounds like you are being honest with yourself. That's important when you go to an attorney, that you tell her EVERYTHING so that she can help you. At 17, you're right, you are no longer a juvenile, and you are in the regular court system. Simple assault and battery is a summary court offense and you need to either get a lawyer or request a jury trial. Is this going to affect your graduation? Have you been expelled? There are several things that you need to consider, and I believe that you will need an attorney to help you through this situation. Have you ever been in trouble with the law before?
Feel free to contact me and I'll be glad to help you through some of this. You're young and I hate for this to affect you forever.
Elizbeth Robinson
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