Legal Question in Criminal Law in South Carolina


A warrent was issued for poss. of stollen goods. The ATV was not found of the property. The warrant was not signed by a judge, etc. We cant get a judge to even set a bond. Is this warrant legal if it has not been signed??

Asked on 2/03/07, 9:17 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Johnston Law Offices of Robert J. Johnston

Re: Warrants

A warrant must be signed. If a warrant is not properly executed then the property seized might be supressed or excluded as evidence from trial. Its hard to say for sure without seeing the actual warrant. Whether or not the warrant was properly written and signed should have nothing to do with having a bond set. A few criminal charges must have a circuit court judge conduct the bond hearing and not a magistrate, but possession of stolen goods is not one of them. Sometimes they will hold off setting a bond if they have more warrants to serve or if the person has warrants pending from another jurisdiction. It would be helpful to know more about this arrest and the exact charges in order to give you more understanding. Your welcome to call or email. Robert Johnston [email protected]

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Answered on 2/03/07, 10:02 am

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