Legal Question in Family Law in South Carolina
17 year old leaving home
My husband has legal custody of his 17 year old daughter and she decidecided to move in with her mom over 2 weeks ago because the mom is more of a friend than a parent. What can the dad do?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: 17 year old leaving home
He can try to have the mother held in contempt for violating the terms of the Order. However, many judges would be a little hesitant to do that with a 17 year old child involved. He could also sit back and enjoy the child support that she should still be paying to him.
These are complex issues, and it is important that they be handled correctly. Therefore, it is important that you consult an experienced family law attorney to find out what options are available to you based on the facts of your particular case.
If you need more information, you can visit my family law blog ( or our website ( I wish you the best of luck.
Ben Stevens