Legal Question in Family Law in South Carolina
Do I need an attorney?
I have sole custody of my five-year old son who has been telling me & others that when he visits his grandmother (his deceased father's mother) that her boyfriend spits on him. I talked to the grandmother about this, and she said she would put a stop to it. I believed her, and I allowed my son to visit her house (where she resides with her boyfriend) again. My son came back saying that the boyfriend had spit on him again. When I refused to let my son visit his grandmother's house again, she became irate and threatened me with calling CPS (Child Protective Services). I have heard horror stories about CPS being dishonest and wrongfully taking children from their homes. I should have nothing to worry about because my son lives in a safe, stable and loving home, but I can't help to wonder if I need legal representation. Please help!
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Do I need an attorney?
You do not have to let the child go visit the grandmother if you believe that it is not in the child's best interest to do so. You should not let her threats intimidate you at all.
If you need more information, you can visit my family law blog ( or our website ( I wish you the best of luck.
Ben Stevens