Legal Question in Business Law in Tennessee
breach of contract
I have had the contracts to clean time-condos in tennessee for 5 fives. about a month ago the resort manager begin to complain about the job a manager was doing. I told her I would go behind this manager and check her work. I found her work to be good, she did need to do somethings to make the rooms look better, but all in all she was doing a good job. as the weeks rolled by, my employees begin to come to me and say the resort manager had been coming to them and was offering them a job to stay and clean and that a former employee would be returning and my company would then be replaced. I went to the resort manager and requested that she stop talking to my employees about a job. She said she was just doing her job, but she would not talk to the employees of my company anymore. Things got really bad and I turned in my 30-day notice. The resort manager is continuing to ask employees if they will stay and offering them jobs. Is she doing anything wrong?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: breach of contract
Unless you have a contract with the resort, there is probably nothing that can be done. Generally, issues such as this will be governed by a non-raiding agreement, if one is in existence. You may also be able to impose a duty of good faith and fair dealing, but this will likely not generate the result you seek.
I would advise you to consult with an attorney to look over the entirety of your relationship with this company and possible ways to improve your business going forward. If you would like to consult with us, you can email me at
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