Legal Question in Business Law in Tennessee

Breach of Contract

Me and my husband owned a cabinet shop. We were doing business with a salesman. He wound up bulling my husband into selling the business to him. He wrote up a contract. In the contract it states that he will make payments weekly and have it paid of in 60 days. Any unpaid balance will be placed on a 30 day note with 15% interest added. He has not made the weekly payments, it has passed the 60 days, and now he has called and left a message that we are not to call him or contact him in any way. What I need to know is whether or not he has breeched the contract and whether or not we can go and get our tools.

Asked on 4/26/04, 1:54 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Breach of Contract

Without examining the contract, it is difficult to give a complete answer to your question. From your description, it seems that he has breached the contract and that a lawsuit to recover the unpaid money is in order. However, as to whether or not you have a self-help remedy available (repossession of the tools) is another question. You will need to consult with an attorney in order to determine whether or not you have this right and the best way to go about protecting your interest. If you would like to consult with us, I can be reached at [email protected].

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Answered on 4/26/04, 2:06 pm

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