Legal Question in Business Law in Tennessee

Non compete agreement

I was given a non compete agreement by my employer. I am not sure if it is legal or not. It states that I have to be available to the employer whenever they need me which is reasonable. The problem I have is the contract can only be broken 2 ways 1. if I am fired, 2. If I die. So basically I have to die to get out of the agreement. Theye leave no option for me to quit.

The other section states that I cannot work in a competing busisness for a period of 3 years after the contract is finished. When put together I see that I have to die and wait 3 years after im dead to continue work in my chosen profession.

I am only a computer repair technician but this contract does not seem enforcable to me if I do sign it. What choices do I have if any?

Asked on 7/09/03, 11:58 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

James R. Becker, Jr. Becker Law Firm

Re: Non compete agreement

You need to consult with an attorney. Generally, noncompetition agreements are enforceable in Tennessee. However, in every situation, they are subject to a rule of reasonableness. In this situation, the agreement may not be deemed reasonable. Also, if the time limit or geographic restrictions are overbroad, there may be some room formovement. If you would like to consult with us, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 901.527.5522.

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Answered on 7/10/03, 10:02 am

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