Legal Question in Business Law in Tennessee

Response To A Bill Of Complaint

I recieved a supeona to respond to a Billof Complaint filed by a client for a company I worked for. I am not the only person mentioned in this matter. The actual owner of the company is named first. Somehow I have been implicated as being the owners business parnter, so I have been named as a defendant. The complaint stated we had thirty days to respond. I inquired at the Clerk Master's Office and was given a form to accompany a written response. The paperwork was returned as rejected by the courts to the owner, but not me. My problem is he has all the paperwork, the police in my county cannot help me file a resonpse because they sent the orignal Bill of Complaint back to the county of origin. The platiff's attorney said that the owner needs to retain an attorney and have me removed from the complaint and used only as a witness. The owner fails to realize this must be done by 2/25/04. How can I file a simple legal response in the next two days to protect myself from having a judgement of default submited against me?

Asked on 2/22/04, 10:31 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Response To A Bill Of Complaint

Unfortunately, this is a situation where your best course of action may be that you have to hire an attorney. I say unfortunately because, in most situations like what you have described, there can be no liability that will attach to an employee of a business for conduct performed in course of employment. However, if you do not defend yourself, it is very possible that a judgment will be taken against you and that you will then have no defense to it.

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Answered on 2/23/04, 10:35 am

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