Legal Question in Business Law in Tennessee
work related email being sent to home email address
at last managers meeting were instructed by provide home email addresses for him to be able to forward work related info to us. this info was previously sent by work computer email and fax, that is no longer available. no mention was made of this being optional,nor was how our time should be documented. we have paper available from the store to use but not ink cartridges, and nothing was told to us with regard to being compensated for the use of our printers/ink. 1) is this legal?
2) should salaried/off the clock employees count this in their work week hours?
3) have ink be at our cost?
no one wants to use their personal computer equipment to print out work related emails at home. let alone have to read and respond to work emails during our personal time, but we do not feel comfortable saying so. help
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: work related email being sent to home email address
To fully answer your question I need to know some more information: 1. What type of job do you have? Who is now required to answer email from home? Why do you have to print out the email? Can you simply answer and store email electronically?
If your position is an exempt position for overtime purposes, in other long as you are not entitled to receive overtime pay...your company can ask you to do work at home or anywhere else.
If your position is entitled to receive overtime are entitled to keep track of your time and be paid for the time you work at home. If this time causes your work week to exceed 40 hours you are entitled to overtime pay. You may also be entilted to receive reimbursement for your out of pocket expenses. I need to know more about that before I could give you a definite answer.
As for the expenses, suggest to your boss that you do all of the work associated with the emails on line so as to avoid printing anything out.
Please feel free to contact me if you need further assistance. 901.527.5522 or
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