Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Tennessee

aside from chapter 13, how can i stop foreclosure?

I recently got behind in my mortgage payments due to court costs, automotive work, and a cut in work hours. My mortgage co. has put me into foreclosure status. I have finally accrewed the entire delinquent amt, which is 3 mos. of payments. They will only accept the total amt and nothing less, otherwise i would have paid this off earlier. For the last 6 wks I have been calling, stating i have the total amt, and requesting to pay it, however, they would not allow me to stating that they needed to total the balance that I owed. While waiting for them to get back to me, they started foreclosure procedures (advertising my homes, attorney fees etc.). Last friday, they finally contacted me via mail with the ''total balance'' which includes over $3,000 in extra fees. I have 6 days to pay it all off before they auction my home. I called and told them again that i have the original delinquent amt, but they said they must only recive the entire amt, in order to stop the auction. I have no idea how I can get that amount of money in 6 days. Do I have any other options? Could a lawyer intervein and give me longer to pay it off? i can afford my mortgage payment so i dont feel I need to file bankruptcy. I only have one week!

Asked on 12/17/02, 6:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: aside from chapter 13, how can i stop foreclosure?

Aside from a bankruptcy filing, I am aware of no other alternative to stop the foreclosure. However, this is a matter of such importance, I would advise you to contact an attorney immediately to discuss your options.

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Answered on 12/17/02, 6:21 pm

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