Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Tennessee

harrassment at home

Alliance one informed me that even though I request they only call me at work that they reserve the right to continue calling my home and giving my husband information about my account. It is causing a lot of problems in my family and I am trying to resolve this as quickly and privatley as possible. They tell me that they are allowed to reveal any information about me to anyone who answers my home phone. Do they have a right to give out my information to anyone other than myself if I have requested them not to?

Asked on 7/07/03, 2:40 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: harrassment at home

A lot will depend on whether the entity placing the call is a debt collector (one who collects the debts for another) or the actual creditor. Many of the protections which attach to prevent the harassing conduct of a debt collector do not apply in the instance that a creditor is the one collecting its own debt. The law that protects you is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). You should probably consult with an attorney who has prosecuted cases under the FDCPA to determine if your rights have been violated.

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Answered on 7/07/03, 3:01 pm

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