Legal Question in Medical Leave in Tennessee

Was this within the laws of FMLA?

I held a postion at my job for 8 yrs. and within the last 11/2 my health has gone down. I was sceduled to have surgery on monday and thirty minutes before shift change on friday before the big bosses called me in for a meeting. They asked me about my back surgery, such as, would it help me in the long run or any disabilties afterward. I told them it was unsure that it would make anything better but would not make things worse. They said they would be trying some changes while I was out on leave and to check with them and they would let me know how things were going. Well 3 days before they first thought I was to come back they started training another lady for my job and said that I would be doing some other things but really unsure of what yet and they have moved my desk out in the heat of the warehouse where I have always be in an office. Thanks, really unsure were I stand on this. I do have allot of health issues going on but always used my time I had earned from work.

Asked on 6/27/07, 10:25 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Was this within the laws of FMLA?

If your time was covered under the FMLA, the employer is obligated to return you to the same position or a substantially similar position. If the employer starts to retaliate against you for taking FMLA time, that is also illegal.

You may want to consult with an attorney to develop a plan for handling this situation. If you have additional questions, I can be contacted at [email protected].

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Answered on 6/28/07, 10:16 am

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