Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Tennessee

what can I do if a bailbonds company is trying to sue me for signing as a third party for someone's bond. They were untrue and mislead me by stating that as long as the person shows for court, everything would be fine. The person is currently locked up for at least 2 years and now they are trying to sue all parties that signed for the bond. They also disclosed my ssn to the other 2 parties that are not related to me. I want to know what I could do regarding that matter as well.

Asked on 3/08/10, 7:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

If you are being sued, you can do one of 3 things. You can defend yourself in court, you can ignore the matter or you can hire an attorney to represent you in the court action. If you defend yourself in court, you will probably be at a disadvantage because the other side most likely has an attorney. If you ignore the action, you will most likely wind up with a judgment against you that you will ultimately have to pay. If you consult with an attorney, you will at least have an understanding of your legal rights and you may be able to work your way out of the dispute. Also, your attorney's fees may be covered by any homeowner's insurance policy you have.

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Answered on 3/15/10, 7:02 am

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