Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Tennessee

old car. do i have to pay

This last summer I was asked to house sit for a women at my church. This included driving her car. While I was driving her car I backed it in to a fence and consequently knocked off her side-view mirror and dented in the door. The car is a 1980 mazda 626, with exhaust problems, no passenger seat, no air conditioner and is in fairly poor condition. The car is estimated at $800 retail, and between $50-$100 salvage. She does not have collision and so my insurance company went to look at her car and said they would pay. However the $500 deductable would have to be paid. My question is, since I was driving her car with her permission am I legally responsible for paying the $500 deductable?

Asked on 2/16/01, 10:42 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Alan Crone Crone & McEvoy, PLC

Re: old car. do i have to pay

Yes. You damaged the car. Why wouldn't you have to pay it? You are responsible.

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Answered on 4/02/01, 10:23 am

Re: old car. do i have to pay

The short answer is yes. Her consent, to the extent there was any, would not include any waiver of your responsibilities for damage to her car.

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Answered on 4/03/01, 4:30 pm

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