Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Tennessee

Money Owed

I live in Tennessee and lent money to a ''friend'' (or so I thought) living in Virginia. I attempted to contact General Sessions court in my county, but I have had no luck with an answer. Can someone explain, or refer me to someone else who can explain, how I can pursue recovering the money? I have a signed contract with specifics about the loan, including a stipulation regarding interest and the expected date of repayment. In addition, I am having an extremely difficult time contacting him, as he refuses to return calls or emails. I only have addresses for his parents and grandparents, so can I still have him ''served,'' or whatever it is that I have to do?

Asked on 4/17/06, 11:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Money Owed

Depending on where the contract was made and the person's contacts with Tennessee, all you have to do is go to your general sessions court, fill out the complaint, pay the filing fee and file your complaint right then. Service of process is more difficult issue. If you don't know where the person is, then it may be difficult to serve them with notice of the lawsuit.

[Disclaimer: The above comments are not intended as nor should they be relied upon as "legal advice", which can only be obtained by personal consultation with a retained attorney; at which time the specific facts and circumstances of your case can be thoroughly evaluated. This reply is provided for general informational and educational purposes only, and does not create an attorney-client relationship with the responding attorney.]

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Answered on 4/20/06, 5:43 pm

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