Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Tennessee

She owes me money

i loaned money to a friend, we drew up a contract of payment that she and i both signed infront of a witness that also signed it. she started to pay me back and i kept record of it on a calander, then she stopped paying. now she claims that she no longer owes me money. it's been a few months and i've been trying to get the money from her,but she insists that she doesn't owe me anything. is this something i can take to small claims court, and if so do i have a good chance of getting my money with the documentation i have?

Asked on 11/09/03, 12:59 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: She owes me money

Based on your description yes. In Tennessee there are General Sessions courts. These are courts which hear cases with values of less than $15,000.00 ($25,000.00 in the larger cities).

If you have a writing which evidences the indebtedness and proof of the payments that were received, then you should be able to obtain a judgment for the remainder of the debt. Once you have obtained the judgment, the difficult part is getting it paid.

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Answered on 11/10/03, 11:33 am

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