Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Tennessee

is it slander or defamation of character?

Wanted to know if I could be sued by my soon-to-be ex husband for libel, slander, defamation or harrassment if I warn some of the women he is sleeping with that he has genital herpes and gave it to me, his ex wife and ex girlfriend. I can prove he gave it to me because his ex girlfriend tried to tell me he gave it to her but I didnt listen because I was tested and was negative at time. a few months later, I had an outbreak and was few months later I was pos.I didnt sleep with anyone else. I suffer with this disease and its not fair that he go around spreading something like this to unknowing partners. I know everyone is responsible for their own actions, but he is a smooth-talker. Its a complicated issue, but I just wanted to know. He has also been with another man as well, who is currently dying of

AIDS. I talked with the man myself and he verified the story. I have been tested for AIDS but do not have it. My husband never told me about that either, had to find out for myself I know I cant reach everyone, but personally, I think if you know you have an incurable STD and dont let your partner know you should be held li

Asked on 1/12/07, 7:46 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: is it slander or defamation of character?

In cases of libel and slander, the old adage that truth is the best defense is amazingly appropriate. Even so, I would be careful about what you say and to whom you say it as all of the other elements of libel and slander would be met by your communication.

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Answered on 1/12/07, 10:13 am

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