Legal Question in Immigration Law in Tennessee

i am marrying a woman in the philippines. what do i need?\n

Asked on 7/29/09, 7:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Larry L. Doan Law Office of Larry L. Doan

Two ways you can proceed. First method is, you file a petition for fiancee with US Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) in the US, and when that is approved, the file goes to US Consulate in Manila where she'll be called in for an interview for the fiancee visa. If approved, she comes to the US and must marry you within 90 days. Once the marriage is done, she is eligible to file the green card application in the US with USCIS. You two will be interviewed here.

Second method is, you marry her there, and you come back to the US and file an I-130 relative petition for her (she cannot come to the US yet at this stage). Once that is approved, the file is sent to Manila where she?ll be called in for an interview to receive her immigrant visa, which is permanent residence (same as a green card).

The second method is slower as far as actually getting her to come to the U.S. to be with you.

In both cases these petitions will be heavily examined by USCIS for evidence that your relationship is genuine. You will most likely need an attorney's assistance or else the delay will be years. Philippines is one of the countries most scrutinized, among other countries, because a lot of young ladies there simply are looking to marry for green cards.

Larry L. Doan (blog)

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Answered on 7/29/09, 11:14 pm

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