Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Adjusting ''Clocked-In'' Hours

A manager at my place of employment may be adjusting the hours of crew members to ''make labor.'' He may be adjusting clock in/out times or adding breaks (taken or not). What evidence would be needed to prove something like this? How would someone go about turning something like this in to athorities? Where can you find about specific laws regarding this?

Asked on 9/22/05, 7:42 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Adjusting ''Clocked-In'' Hours

What you have described appears to be an illegal practice. You are going to want to have the workers start keeping independent track of their hours worked, breaks taken, etc. and then compare the time worked at the end of the work week with what is paid. Alternatively, obtaining copies of altered time cards would be good proof. However, his is sometimes very difficult to obtain.

As far as prosecuting this type of complaint, you would have 2 options: the Department of Labor or a private attorney. Typically, there are a lot of advantages to hiring your own attorney and private attorneys usually take a case like the one you have described on a straight contingency basis. If you would like to contact us to discuss this case, please email me at [email protected]. You can also check out our web site,

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Answered on 9/26/05, 5:12 pm

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