Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Employer Whoas

My Tn employer takes 2% off the top of my pay for vehicle lease and 9% for workers comp. These ''deductions'' are taken out BEFORE my paycheck is issued and are NOT reflected on my pay stub. Isn't this illegal? What should I do?

Also, until 2009, we were considered subcontractors. We were told we HAD to drive the vehicles they purchased or not work there and it would be a rent to own agreement. That sounded pretty good I thought. We paid $500.00 per month toward them. I paid on the vehicle for 2+ years. By the way, that original agreement mysteriously disappeared! Now the $14,000+ I already paid toward ''my'' vehicle is null and void and I don't get to keep the vehicle and I don't get that money back. I--name removed--still having 2% of my earnings being taken for ''vehicle lease''. There are roughly 20 of us at our company that this is happening to. HELP!!!!

Asked on 6/29/09, 11:18 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Employer Whoas

From your description, it is impossible to say if this is completely legal or not. Some issues which would require further development are what you recollect the employment agreement said and whether or not anyone else has a copy of the agreement. Also, I would like to know in what type of industry you worked and how this whole employment relationship worked.

You should take what you can gather and sit down with an attorney to discuss your situation.

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Answered on 6/29/09, 2:35 pm

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