Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Employment Terms Changed

I have worked for a large company in Memphis for 3 1/2 years. I was a contractor for 2 & have been an employee for 1 1/2. When I was hired it was agreed that I would earn about $10,000 less than others in my position so I could work around 25-30 hours on site and the remaining 10 at home/remotely so I could be home to care for my children after school. I was provided with a company laptop & cell phone. I have always recieved above average performance reviews and was recently promoted. My manager suggested I work on site full time to advance my career. This is not something I can work out at this time. She recently told me that she doesn't feel comfortable with my situation anymore & wants me to work onsite full time. I tried to work it out & have been unable to. She stated that many people have children & I would have to find a way. Bringing my three children to work is not an option for me, however she brings hers to work fairly often & they run a muck around the office all day long. My work record & performance is excellent. I have not been terminated yet, however there are several indicators to make me believe it is coming just so she can prove her point. If it does happen, do I have anything w/ TN being a will to work state?

Asked on 8/18/07, 1:53 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Employment Terms Changed

Unless there was some sort of employment contract (a writing outlining the terms of your employment) there is likely not much that the law will do to help in your situation. If you would like to discuss this matter in more detail, I can be contacted at [email protected].

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Answered on 8/20/07, 2:40 pm

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