Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

False Accuasations (desperate help)

I had to fire an employee and the next day he came to the workplace and asked for my supervisor. He told them I was dealing drugs and using drugs on workplace. Now I am on paid leave until my employers attorney reviews this. Their is no truth to this. I am physically sick over this. That someone can retaliate like this and blow someones whole world apart. I asked for a drug test immediatley. They took me down and it was supervised and I passed it. There are a couple other people in on it that are still working that are even saying they give me drugs and that I use with them. I asked why they cannot be tested? They said they have to give them a 30 day notice. That gives them time to clean up or get something to make them clean. My job, my life is at stake here over these lies. My employer has an attorney, they say on my behalf and said I cant return to work yet because they dont want anything to be said more about me. Meanwhile one of the guys there is going around bragging how he got me fired. Is there anything I could do?, or just let thier attorney handle it?

Asked on 3/06/05, 6:50 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: False Accuasations (desperate help)

It is unlikely that there is a whole lot you can do vis a vis the employer at this stage. The best you can do with the employer is to make the best possible record of your innocence. You also may want to advise the employer of the reason these other employees would be lying about you. Support your statement with specific incidents that demonstrate the bias.

You would be well-served to talk to an attorney to help you work through these issues and to help you organize your proof. If you would like to set up a consultation, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

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Answered on 3/07/05, 12:24 pm

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