Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

False Allegations on employment/driver record

I was a contract driver for an individual who had his truck leased to a company. I quit work for that individual. Now I get a letter from the company the truck was leased to stating that I ''misused company funds.'' I never had any access to any ''company funds.'' I only got money from the individual I was a contract driver for. How do I get that allegation off my employment/driver record? I have applied for other jobs in my career field and have been told this shows up in my driver DAC. What are my options? I have written a letter of demand to that company for them to give me proof of their charge and have not gotten an answer back from them. I live in TN. The company's main office is in PA and the office the truck ran out of is in IN.

Asked on 2/16/07, 6:52 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: False Allegations on employment/driver record

Generally, what you have described may be difficult to do. However, if your employer is defaming you, there may be some ability to change what is being said. Defamation can generally be thought of as making knowingly false statements about another.

I you would like to consult about how to go about handling this situation, I can be contacted at [email protected].

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Answered on 2/18/07, 9:45 pm

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