Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee


I work for a mfg company that is experiencing cut backs. For the last 3 years there have been lay-offs (permanent)each fiscal half. I work in the IT dept with a total of 7 people.

1- Director (Female over 55)

1- Manager (Male over 40)

1- Supervisor/Network Adm (Female over 40)

1- Analyst (Male over 30)

1- Programmer (Male over 30)

1- Network Administrator (Male over 30)

1- Help Desk (Female over 30)-This is me

The Network Adm and I basically do the same job. He just has more authority than I. My question is: If I am laid-off from the company is there any course of action I can proceed with, as far as being discriminated against. I am only 1 of 3 females in the dept and am the youngest of the whole group.

Thank you,

Asked on 10/11/05, 4:29 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: lay-off

Anytime an employee is faced with a reduction-in-force, it represents a difficult situation. The law will almost presuppose that the employer had a legitimate reason for the termination decision and it will be the burden of the employee to overcome that assumption.

That is not to say that the situation is certainly hopeless. I would recommend that you consult with an attorney on this issue. After a full consultation, the attorney will have more information and be able to give you a more definitive answer. If you would like to consult with us, I can be reached at [email protected].

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Answered on 10/11/05, 4:51 pm

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