Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Male/Female pay differntial

I have been working for company x for several years. When I began working for company x my position was hourly with a promise of salary. My boss, man 1, changed occupations and company x started looking for someone to assist me. Because I had received glowing reviews and because company x was changing its work dynamic to a dually responsible team instead of boss and assistant, company x said they were going to hire man 2. I was guaranteed that Man 2 and I would hold the same position and the same duties, but when Man 2 hired in, he was hired in on salary, while I was still hourly. Although in theory, we held the same title, Man 2 and I were never the same. This was Man 2's second time working for the company. I finally became salaried, but I knew that man 2 was making more than me - even though our job titles were the same and we held the same duties. Man 2, recently left the company. He left behind a check stub in his desk and to my surprise, man 2 was making substantially more than me. Man 2, has left the organization and now I am solely responsible for the business which has doubled, but I have not received a pay increase to even compare to what Man 2 was making when he left. Is this legal?

Asked on 10/13/03, 8:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Male/Female pay differntial

Short answer, probably not. It is a violation of Title VII and the Equal Pay Act for an employer to pay a male and female disparate wages based on gender. I would recommend that you talk to an attorney about this matter. If you would like to contact us, my email is [email protected]. However, even if you do not consult with us, I would recommend that you speak with an attorney about your situation as soon as possible.

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Answered on 10/16/03, 11:12 am

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