Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Can't read or write

I work for a major hospital in a town near where I live. A fellow co-worker can not read or write. He is a dish washer and pot scrubber. He came to work at the hospital almost 2 years ago and the Human Resources Department knew he could not read or write as well did our dept boss. She interviewed this man. They even helped him fill out his paper work. Our clock in system is used with the phone in each dept. You inter your SS# and this co-worker could not do it. We all knew of this and we all helped him clock in and out. Well yesterday my husband who also works in the same dept came home and said our dept boss fired this man on the spot when he could not clock in by himself.She told him to leave straight away. This co worker is a very hard working man, always on time and early most of the time and always willing to do more then his share of work. This was his main job with insurance and time paid off and life insurance. Alot of us at work are shocked. Can this woman just fire him on the spot ??? We feel he has been discriminated against. Is there anything he can do to get his job back or fight this in court ??? Please help us to beable to help this man. Thank you for your time..

Asked on 6/27/06, 9:36 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Can't read or write

It's difficult to say if your husband's coworker has any type of claim. In Tennessee, it is generally legal for an employer to fire someone for good, bad or no reason at all. It is what is known as the 'employment at-will' doctrine.

However, this does not mean that the employer is necessarily in compliance with the law. If this guy has engaged in any protected activity (made a claim for workers' comp., testified, protested illegal discrimination) or was treated differently because of age, race, sex, etc. then there may be a remedy that the law could provide to this situation.

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Answered on 6/28/06, 9:50 am

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