Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Suspended (with pay) without full explanation - possible discrimination

I ws informed that I am on suspension with pay pending an investigation into my causing a hostile work environment. Allegations were made by what I feel is a disgruntled employee. I have yet to receive any explanation as to specifics for my current situation. Additionally, other managers (male managers) have had similar suits brought against them and have not suffered the same fate. I am female.

I have an impeccable work record and a staff who respects me. I have documentation and a solid defense for myself, but as yet I have been provided with nothing. This situation is sincerely demoralizing me.

Should I contact an attorney even as I am being investigated and yet receiving pay for my suspension?

Thank you.

Asked on 2/14/01, 2:36 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Suspended (with pay) without full explanation - possible discrimination

From your description, you may shortly be the victim of gender discrimination. I say "may" because there are a number of factors which go into the analysis of whether or not you are similarly situated to the male supervisors with whom you compare yourself. Based on this, it would probably be in your best interests to contact an attorney. There may not be a great deal that the attorney can do at the present time, but he or she can direct your responses and provide you guidance in ensuring that your rights are protected or that you have every available means of redress if they are violated.

I have consulted with many individuals in your exact situation and know that it may be too late once you feel the economic impact of your employer's actions. Many things can change during the course of the investigation and your response to those changes may be the difference between having some protectible right and simply being terminated.

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Answered on 3/30/01, 9:41 am

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