Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee


I was terminated because auto sales that were reported in my name, sent the incentive money to another dealership. Daimler Chrysler admitted after the fact that it was their error. I also have a problem with the other Sales Manager telling all of the Sales Staff that I was terminated for stealing from the company. This leads me to belive that I have several causes of action. 1. Wrongfull termination 2. Failure on Chryslers part to change the fact that I had switched dealerships (costing me a job in excess of $100,000.00 per year) 4. Slander 5. Defamation of character.

Any information you can provide me will be most helpful.

Thank you

Asked on 2/16/06, 1:37 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Dr. Michael A. S. Guth Tennessee Attorney at Law Assists Pro Se (without a lawyer) Parties

Re: Termination

Tennessee is an "at will" state, which means you are hired and can be fired at the will of your employer -- either for cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all. Your best "revenge" is to go out and find a better job and prove that your employer lost a talented employee. With respect to your defamation claims, you can file a lawsuit, but winning the lawsuit may be an uphill battle. You would have to prove that the statements were defamatory objective facts and not merely someone's opinion. Second, you would have to prove causation of your economic damages, not merely your subjective belief that it was the cause.


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Answered on 2/16/06, 2:03 pm

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