Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

I told on my boss, can he fire me for it?

My boss has been being deceptive on several occasions, and is being carefull doing so. Recently I sent him a message and forewarded it to the HR department about some problems with our department. Afterwards he took me to the HR department to discuss this and while in the HR's office, lied twice. I pointed this out without being blunt that it was a lie. Later I spoke to the the head of Human Resources Department and informed her bluntly of my bosses lies. I have for a while felt he is trying to, leagelly, find a way to get me fired. Can he use the fact that I told on him to fire me, and is there a way to use the fact that I told on him in my defence if he does fire me?

Asked on 9/21/03, 11:53 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: I told on my boss, can he fire me for it?

It depends on what you have been reporting. If you have refused to remain silent about illegal activity, then it would be illegal for you to be terminated. If, on the other hand, you have simply reported some in-house lying, then you probably would have no protection against a termination in the State of Tennessee.

If you believe you may have reported something illegal, or you are just uncertain about your situation, you may want to speak with an attorney in regards to this matter. If you would like to consult with us, you can email me at [email protected].

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Answered on 9/22/03, 10:23 am

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