Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Unattainable Lunch Breaks

As an employee of a non-profit hospital,several months ago, we were reduced from two people working in the office to one person. My duties have increased as the hospital has grown. In an eight hour day, I am unable to get a lunch break. I am not allowed to leave my work area, and if I have to use the restroom, I have to find someone from the emergency room to relieve me. Because the e.r is busy, I usually have to just go to the restroom and leave my area unattended. We have been told that they were looking into getting help to just cover lunch for 2nd and 3rd shift employees, but we have heard that before. Just today I tried to turn in the days I did not take a lunch, and I was told the hours were sent in to human resources around 1pm.I came to work before 3pm. I understand that they have a certain time frame to submit time sheets, but if you know as an employer, that the 2nd and 3rd shift employees work along, then why are lunch times automatically deducted from our pay?

Asked on 6/28/04, 7:34 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Unattainable Lunch Breaks

The question that I was unable to determine an answer to from your posting was whether or not you are getting paid for your lunch breaks? If you are getting paid and your question is solely the legitimacy of the deductions made on the front end, then that is something that is legal. If you are not getting paid, then you need to consult with an attorney about your situation.

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Answered on 7/01/04, 2:15 pm

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