Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Untruthful reference former employer

I am RN in operating room. Anesthiologist left department to work in another operating room in hospital- left nurse anethetist in operating room-patients were in recovery room-no anesthesia available if problem occurred. I ask one of the dr.-owners about this practice. He asked the nurse administrator-told her I had asked him. After this incident, she was barely civil to me (quite hostile). I resigned because of the pressure I felt from her. For past 4 months, I have applied for numerous jobs-haven't received as much as a phone call. 2 weeks ago, one company called & told me the reason I couldn't be hired was the reference from this administrator-They also sent me a copy of the reference-There are lies in that letter-I know she is retaliating because I spoke up when I felt patient safety was in danger.

I am at my wits end-never had any problem getting a job.

Believe me, this nurse goes after anyone she thinks will make her look bad.

Can anyone please, please help me.


Asked on 4/22/06, 9:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alan Crone Crone & McEvoy, PLC

Re: Untruthful reference former employer

Your employer cannot tell lies about you or in any way retailate against you for speaking up. You have rights. You should pursue them. We help folks like you with problems like this. If you would like to speak to one of our attorneys (at no cost), please give me a call and we can arrange for you to speak with an attorney.

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Answered on 4/24/06, 9:33 am

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