Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Did work on a verbal contract and it doesnt look like im going to get paid.

I worked as an intern at a local studio where after working there (unpaid) for 6 months I was asked if I could build them a commercial website. They said that they would pay me a ''fair price'' when the work was completed. It took me 2 months and a couple hundred hours to complete. When I was finished, my employer decided that they didnt want to use it and would instead have someone else do another one, without offering me a chance to 'tweak' it. They also said that ''they would still pay me for my time.''

Its been 4 months since they said that, and ive contacted my now former employer many many times and inquired about being paid. Now they say that they will not pay me and that ''I will have to sue them'' to get any money from them. I am not looking for a large amount of money, just the fair market value of your basic everyday commercial website.

Is it worth it to sue for lost wages over a verbal contract? I have given my employer every option and chance to pay me over time, in full, or for trade in services etc... What would be the best way to go about this?

Asked on 3/30/01, 6:18 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Did work on a verbal contract and it doesnt look like im going to get paid.

Depending upon the county in which you were employed and the amount in controversy, this may be a matter best resolved by a general sessions lawsuit. It is typically around $100.00 to get the Civil Warrant filed and served upon the defendant. The court will then listen to the parties stories and make a determination as to who is believed and the defenses raised by the parties. You may want to consult with an attorney before taking this step. There are a number of concerns which must be addressed beyond the simple economic analysis.

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Answered on 6/04/01, 5:09 pm

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