Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

No written contract, never paid

I was employed as a personal assistant. We had no written contracts, just a verbal agreement that I would be paid a specific amount every two weeks for performing my duties- I was to pay my employer's expenses with my own funds and then I would be reimbursed at a later date. You can guess what happened- I was never reimbursed for the expenses (several thousand dollars) and I was never paid for my services. I resigned in January 2006. I'd like to know if there is a statute of limitations on this sort of thing. Also, would it be worth it to hire an attorney for this amount of money?

Asked on 2/08/07, 8:03 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: No written contract, never paid

Yes there is a statute of limitations and it depends on what you are suing for as to how long the limitations period is. Before going forward, however, you need to realize that this posting should not be construed by you as providing any legal advice. You also should not rely on this posting to substitute for a consultation with an attorney. The matters you raise are very serious and should be dealt with by a live consultation with an attorney.

That being said, your most likely claim would probably be a breach of contract action which has a general three (3) year limitation period. These sorts of claims don't get any better with the passage of time, so you will want to go ahead and speak to an attorney as soon as possible.

If you would like to discuss this matter in more detail with me, I can be contacted at [email protected]. However, whether you consult with me or some other attorney, this is a matter that really needs an attorney consultation.

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Answered on 2/08/07, 10:15 pm

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