Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Wrongfully Accused

I work for a company, and have for 3 years now. 2 years ago I was battleing a drug problem, and in the midst of my addiction I stole around 2,000 dollars for my employer. I admitted my guilt and my ''problem''. I completed inpatient rehab and am still on probation for the theft. My employer gave my job back to me and I've been working there and CLEAN for about 2 years now. In April, my co workers voted me as ''most improved employee''. However, last week someone stole around 1,000 dollars for the company in the same fashion I had done 2 years ago. I, of course, am prime suspect. My trust I've gained in my co workers is now gone and I had nothing to do with the theft. I am on the brink of termination unless they discover who really did commit the ''theft''. What should I do to prove my innocence? I I'm fired, is it wrong? I have witnesses to verify my whereabouts on the night of the robbery and everything, but no one seems interested in hearing me out unless I'm saying ''I did it''. Help!

Asked on 8/06/07, 4:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Wrongfully Accused

You should schedule a consultation with an attorney to go over your case and how to work through your situation. Based on what you have written, it may be that you are dealing with some "perception" issues that may be covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. However, your more immediate concern is figuring out how to work through the problems which are at hand.

If you would like to discuss this with me, I can be contacted at [email protected].

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Answered on 8/07/07, 12:45 pm

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