Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Tennessee
Termination of a Lease Agreement by a Joint Tenant
Myself and some other friends signed a lease agreement at the end of April to move into a home in July, in which we all agreed to pay an equal amount of the rent and expenses. During May I recieved a phone call from one of the joint tenants telling me he would not be able to live in the home. I told him that leaving was fine as long as he found another roommate to take his place. He agreed. The remaining four of us are set to move into the home in a few weeks and a new roommate still has not been found. Is the tenant who broke the contract required to pay his share of the rent until another roommate is found?, or can he exit without paying, because he terminated before the lease was set to take place?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Termination of a Lease Agreement by a Joint Tenant
If he signed the lease, and did not properly terminate under the terms of the lease, then he is responsible for the rent. But you should also be aware that you are all equally responsible to the landlord for the rent, and that your other (ex) roomate's non-payment does not relieve the remaining tenants of the obligation to pay in full.