Legal Question in Personal Injury in Tennessee

Car Accident

I was involved in a car accident in Tennesse and due to the injury's recieved in the accident can no longer work and have had to move to Florida to reside with my sister. I need an attorney (possibly in Naples or Ft Myers Florida) who can practice law in Tennesse and pursue legal action.

Thank You

Asked on 7/31/01, 9:42 am

5 Answers from Attorneys

Laurence Deas Deas & Klein

Re: Car Accident

The local bar association will be able to help or you can go to the nearest law school library and consult "Martindale & Hubbel". The most likely result will be the lawyer in Florida associating a lawyer in Tennessee to do most of the work. Unfortunately, this might wind up costing a higher percentage (unless you are willing to pay an attorney by the hour, in which case it will take more hours and still cost more). I suggest hiring an attorney in the county where the accident took place, or in some large city nearby, and carry on the suit from afar. You will have to come up for depositions, anyway.

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Answered on 7/31/01, 1:44 pm
Anthony Comparetto Comparetto Law Firm

Re: Car Accident

If looking for a Florida attorney to help coordinate your legal action in Tennesse. Please feel free to call. 727-328-7900

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Answered on 7/31/01, 3:15 pm
David Waldrop Holley, Waldrop, Nearn & Lazarov P.C.

Re: Car Accident

You need a Tennessee Attorney to represent you. Where was the accident in Tennessee? You have a one year statute of limitations in Tennessee for personal injuries. I am willing to discuss this case further with you.

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Answered on 7/31/01, 4:27 pm
Marc Reisman Rosenblum & Reisman, P.C.

Re: Car Accident

More than likely, you will need to file in Tn and particularly in the county of the accident. However there are circumstances which may allow you to file in Florida. Tennessee law would still apply. Be careful about filing deadlines and hire. I would be pleased to speak with you further about this 901-527-9600. Thank you.

Marc Reisman

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Answered on 7/31/01, 6:03 pm
William Poland Law Offices of William H. Poland

Re: Car Accident

Since the wreck occured in Tennessee, your claim will have to be filed in Tennessee. I would be happy to discuss the claim with you or you may e-mail me. My phone number is 931 552 3475. I look forward to hearing from you. You only have one year from the date of the wreck to file your claim or it will be barred by the statute of limitations......Bill Poland

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Answered on 7/31/01, 1:13 pm

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