Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in Tennessee

Sexual Harassment

I have been sexually harassed at work by a co-worker. He has repeatidly made lewd and perverse comments to me while at work. I have told him to stop, but he continued this behavior. I then told my supervisor about it 3 days ago, as well as my husband. I do not know if any action has been taken against this person, but I would like to ensure it does not happen again, and that no retribution comes to me for the complaint. What do I do if he keeps it up or it gets worse? I am now afraid to work on days that I am scheduled alone. Please Help!

Asked on 1/04/07, 11:42 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Sexual Harassment

Does your company have an anti-sexual harassment policy? If it does, then you have to follow what that policy says about reporting sexual harassment while at work. If you do not follow the policy, then the employer is not liable for any misconduct by the co-worker. If you have followed the policy, then the employer has an obligation to take 'prompt and appropriate' remedial action that is 'reasonably calculated' to end the harassment.

At this point, you need to make sure that you have made the complaint appropriately. After that you need to monitor the employer's response. If there is no response, make sure that you followed the policy. If you have followed the policy, then you probably need to contact an attorney to help you with the situation.

If you would like more information about harassment law, you can visit my website at If you would like to schedule a consultation, you can contact me at [email protected].

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Answered on 1/05/07, 10:44 am

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