Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in Tennessee

sexual harassment

i work with mostly men.we have no dress code but i was told to wear jeans and a t-shirt.we have a very lax enviroment. inapropriate comments and jokes are a regular thing. my boss and i have become very close and some coworkers have become very spiteful and are looking for reason to get rid of me. some complaints were made to my supervisor about seeing my underwear when i bent over and that my t-shirts where too tight and i was asked to go home and change. is this right? and what can i do to protect myself? i was told my clothing was inapropriate and needed to be more professional. I was also told to right a letter of apology to my supervisor by my immediate boss.

Asked on 4/29/07, 8:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: sexual harassment

A lot more information is needed about your situation in order to evaluate whether or not you may have some legal complaint. For instance, are you being singled out because of your gender or are other women being subject to the same sort of treatment as you? How does your compliance with the dress code compare to that of others? And, what have your losses been as a result of this?

If you feel as if you are being discriminated against or harassed on the basis of your gender, you need to make a complaint about that. Harassment claims should be made according to your company policy. In any case, your complaints should be in writing.

If you have more questions about what are illegal employment practices, you can visit my website, Thank you.

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Answered on 4/29/07, 11:11 pm

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