Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in Tennessee

getting sexually harrassed at work,told owners then promoted the guy.

I was working for Tristar in Clarksville, TN. I was getting sexually harrased by a coworker and tried to take care of the issue myself. It didn't work so I talked to my manager. When that did not work I went to the owner, who said he would take care of it. He then started making jokes about it in front of some of my coworkers and making me very uncomfortable. He told me it was all taken care of. He promoted the guy to manager.

Asked on 11/06/06, 7:43 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Dr. Michael A. S. Guth Tennessee Attorney at Law Assists Pro Se (without a lawyer) Parties

sexually harrassed in the workplace

If you complain, you could get fired eventually, although not an immediate retaliatory discharge. Can you find other work in Clarksville? If you want to file a complaint, your next step would be to contact the EEOC (Equal Employment Opp. Commission) probably in Nashville if not in Clarksville and begin the complaint process.

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Answered on 11/06/06, 9:10 am

Re: getting sexually harrassed at work,told owners then promoted the guy.

Generally, the law is that so long as the employer takes prompt and appropriate remedial action that is reasonably calculated to end the harassment, the employer is not liable for harassing conduct. There are some other requirements to this process, but the heart is that the employer is obligated to end the harassment. The exact method for ending the harassment is not mandated so the employer is given some discretion. However, a question of immediate concern is what sort of supervisory authority over your position does the harasser exercise? If there is any, there is a concern that the employer has not ended, but effectuated more efficient harassment.

Depending on your situation, you should probably consult with an attorney as to how to approach this siutation going forward. If you have any questions, I can be contacted at [email protected].

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Answered on 11/06/06, 11:05 am

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